Facts & Figures

Here some FACTS & FIGURES about the project running during the last two years. We are happy to look back at numbers and at engaged hackers! 3 creative toolsavailable online 6 team experts  (from multiple domains) 3 exhibitions (in Paris, Ghent and Luxembourg) 3.300 site page views > waterhackers.lu 1 scientific… more


DAMN Magazine

07.01.17 We are happy to be featured on DAMN Magazine, one of the finest newspaper about contemporary design. Kurt Vanbelleghem, the curator of  “Water is Design” Expo in Ghent, put a particular emphasis on the social design practice of the project. Have a look! “sustainability should be present in all… more


YouMeWe Festival

07.07.17 Location: Lycée Technique d’Esch-sur-Alzette Participants: 200 Partners: LTE, Science Week (SCRIPT), In the framework of the Science Week 2017, Water Hackers was invited to perform a full-day open workshop at the multidisciplinary festival “YOUMEWE” organised by the Lycée Technique d’Esch-sur-Alzette. The students co-created new rain harvesters to collect water… more


Visit the Labo!

03.04.17 Location : Administration de la gestion de l’eau + LIST Belvaux + NaturMuseé Participants: 18-20 Partners: LIST, AGE, Lycée des Art et Métiers During the morning, a class from the Lycée des Art et Métiers (14-16 years old) had the possibility to visit the headquarter of the Administration de… more


Science Festival 2013

14.10.13 Participants: 200 Visitors: 10.000 Partners: Science Festival, LIST, Natur Musée Water Hackers’ 1st workshop started during the Science Festival in 2013. This was the perfect occasion to collaborate with scientist Christian Penny and create a video of the water situation in Luxembourg. In the framework of the Festival we… more