Facts & Figures

Here some FACTS & FIGURES about the project running during the last two years. We are happy to look back at numbers and at engaged hackers! 3 creative toolsavailable online 6 team experts  (from multiple domains) 3 exhibitions (in Paris, Ghent and Luxembourg) 3.300 site page views > waterhackers.lu 1 scientific… more


YouMeWe Festival

07.07.17 Location: Lycée Technique d’Esch-sur-Alzette Participants: 200 Partners: LTE, Science Week (SCRIPT), In the framework of the Science Week 2017, Water Hackers was invited to perform a full-day open workshop at the multidisciplinary festival “YOUMEWE” organised by the Lycée Technique d’Esch-sur-Alzette. The students co-created new rain harvesters to collect water… more


Science Festival 2013

14.10.13 Participants: 200 Visitors: 10.000 Partners: Science Festival, LIST, Natur Musée Water Hackers’ 1st workshop started during the Science Festival in 2013. This was the perfect occasion to collaborate with scientist Christian Penny and create a video of the water situation in Luxembourg. In the framework of the Festival we… more