Upcycling Water Filters

13.07.17 Location : LIST Belvaux +  Natur Museé Participants: 20 Partners: SNJ, LIST, Natur Museé Lynn proposed a workshop with the Service National de la Jeunesse (Ateliers CreActif). A group of young early school leavers were invited to join the workshop in the framework of the Science Club. The activity… more


YouMeWe Festival

07.07.17 Location: Lycée Technique d’Esch-sur-Alzette Participants: 200 Partners: LTE, Science Week (SCRIPT), In the framework of the Science Week 2017, Water Hackers was invited to perform a full-day open workshop at the multidisciplinary festival “YOUMEWE” organised by the Lycée Technique d’Esch-sur-Alzette. The students co-created new rain harvesters to collect water… more


Visit the Labo!

03.04.17 Location : Administration de la gestion de l’eau + LIST Belvaux + NaturMuseé Participants: 18-20 Partners: LIST, AGE, Lycée des Art et Métiers During the morning, a class from the Lycée des Art et Métiers (14-16 years old) had the possibility to visit the headquarter of the Administration de… more


Platform Paper Prototyping

02.06.17 Location: Differdange Participants: 8 Partners: 1535 C°, Moons Webdesign Studio Irina and Moons Webdesign Studio invited a crowd of potential users to paper prototype the ongoing Watergram platform by sketching screenshots on paper as substitutes for digital representations. The participants have helped us to better design the user-interface and… more


Paris Atelier

04.06.15 Participants: 10 Visitors Expo: 20.000 Partners: In-Progress, D’DAYS, Henry Baumann, Paris Eau (Research Centre) For the D’DAYS in Paris, we prepared an exhibition about a fictional project that will happen in the river Seine. In order to stimulate the use of the river and bring people closer to it,… more